Saturday, June 16, 2007

Garrett's last day of School

Last day of School Sunshine Mountain

Garrett "graduated" from Kindergarten.

It was a fun day. Family and friends were invited to spend the last half of the day at the school as the kids had a "field day," playing games and showing us all the fun things they learned during the school year. After the fun and games, we sat down on the floor for a little picnic.

Click on the picture, I posted a "web album".

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Heat Wave in Seattle

We had some warm weather last week, so out came the little pool. We really need to get a bigger one but I don't think we have the right backyard for one.

I couldn't get Colton to make a "nice" face, so this is what we're left with. :)

Garrett's last Field Trip

Garrett had his last field trip last week. The kindergarten class went to the Seattle Aquarium. The kids had a great time. One of the other Moms and I chaperoned our boys plus 3 other boys. :-O
Yep, FIVE 6 year old Boys in my car!!! That made for one "rowdy" ride to Seattle.
Here is Garrett at the end of the trip
"Best Friends"